Supporting us financially

The modest charges we make to our passengers do not cover all our costs. We rely on grants, from Councils and other bodies, and donations from the public, to make up the difference.

If you would like to help us keep our charges to passengers as low as possible please post your cheque, made out to SVTG, to our office. If you would prefer to pay by internet banking please send your payment to Sevenoaks Volunteer Transport Group account number 71586431 sort code 60-19-02.

If you are a UK taxpayer, and you have signed a Gift Aid declaration, your gift can be Gift Aided. This will increase the value of your gift by 25% without extra cost to you.

Click here to download a Gift Aid declaration. When the declaration has been completed and signed, please send it to our office with your donation.

Thank you to Graham Usher for contributing the photographs to this website.

sevenoaks volunteer transport group